Email Marketing Services

These email marketing services will help you build your mailing list and send out email campaigns.
StreamSend screenshot
Price: $19.90-209.90+/mth | Tags: email marketing services, autoresponder
StreamSend's hosted email marketing service helps you send HTML email newsletters and promotions. Features: 200 to 150,000+ emails per month, real-time reporting, autoresponders, dedicated IP, social share, list importing/exporting, Google Analytics, API, and custom email template design/conversion.
AWeber screenshot
Price: $19-130+/mth | Tags: email marketing services, autoresponder
AWeber is a hosted email marketing service that helps you manage and maintain your email marketing campaigns. Features: email newsletters, unlimited autoresponders, RSS to email broadcasts, import existing lists, 150 templates, track clicks, and Twitter and Facebook integration.
GetResponse screenshot
Price: $15-450/mth | Tags: email marketing services, autoresponder
GetResponse hosted email marketing service lets you create and send email newsletters, track results, and automate your email marketing campaigns. Features: email newsletters, autoresponders, drag-and-drop editor, 350 HTML templates, one-click segmentation, and analytics.
MailChimp screenshot
Price: free/$10-240+/mth | Tags: email marketing services, autoresponder
MailChimp is a hosted email marketing service that helps you design, send and track email newsletters. Features: RSS-to-email campaigns, Facebook integration, schedule automated messages, Google Analytics, iPad, iPhone and Android apps, branded forms, and paid newsletter subscriptions.
iContact screenshot
Price: free/$10-239+/mth | Tags: email marketing services, social media tools
IContact is a hosted email marketing service that helps you manage and maintain your email marketing campaigns. Features: Google Analytics, email list segmentation, social media marketing, custom website sign-up forms, iContact for Salesforce, and iContact for iPhone & iPad.
Benchmark Email screenshot
Price: $9.95-375/mth | Tags: email marketing services, autoresponder
Benchmark Email is a hosted email marketing service to help you build and manage your email lists. Features: autoresponders, 400+ email templates, Facebook integration, iPhone app, RSS-to-email, targeted email marketing, customize online surveys, and list segmentation.